4 weeks progressive course
4 weeks progressive course
4 weeks course
Advance Only (on1 + on2)
Choices available for:
All Advanced classes start on the firstTUESDAYof the month.
The Beginner, Improver and Intermediate onTHURSDAYstart dates are:
Designed for students with no salsa dance experience. Students learn fundamentals of salsa timing, rhythm, footwork, and are introduced to dancing with a partner.
A Progressive course focusing on learning Basic Salsa Steps, Proper turning technique and how to lead and follow well.
Never taken Salsa lessons before?!
Don't Worry! We can get you started... no partner and no experience necessary.
Always wanted to try salsa but not sure if you will like it? Have friends that you want to introduce Salsa to? This is your chance!
Come alone or with friends.
...all with a lot of fun.
Everyone rotates in class and so you get to know everyone in your group.
This is an advanced beginner course and is a transition class from the beginner to Intermediate level. Those interested in this class must already know the cross body lead and related turns. You will learn how to execute moves to a faster song, and will be taught how to get lighter on your feet, and with lots of new and exciting moves.
This class is for those people who have a good idea of how to dance salsa but need help linking the steps together into danceable patterns. Building on the moves that you learnt from the previous classes, we will turn our attention to more Spin Related moves and Reverse Turn variations, with lots of new techniques introduced.
Basic Footwork, Styling, Spins and Leading and Following techniques, will play a small part in this course.
According to Super Mario, the ‘CORE CLASSES’, where everything is important in terms of leading and following. This course addresses three major aspects of social dancing: communication, style, and spinning technique.
Each class will utilize a turn pattern to demonstrate essential leading and following techniques necessary for non-verbal communication on the dance floor. Leaders will learn how to execute figures with the appropriate signals, timing, and momentum. Followers will learn how to respond rapidly to these signals with the appropriate body resistance and speed. The goal of this aspect of the course is to facilitate clear and seamless social dancing with a variety of dance partners.
The turn patterns demonstrated in each class will change weekly, but the techniques emphasized will remain the same. Spinning technique with a partner will be presented in detail. Technique drills will be a routine part of each class followed by a close examination of body alignment, balance, momentum, hand & arm positioning, and timing during partner work spins.
You are set to learn some interesting combinations now that you have mastered many techniques and spin related footwork. Combination of turn patterns and styling tips are incorporated into every class now, along with musicality.
You will also be taught how to remember moves, with some special exercises designed by Super Mario. Both leaders and followers are expected to develop a social dancing technique that is comfortable, effective, and impressive, and will be expected to move seamlessly between patterns.
A small element of cha cha cha will be INTRODUCED here.